The Sentinel-Record/Richard Rasmussen
Mandy Ballard, of Hot Springs, takes part in a warm-up pickleball match Thursday morning at Bank OZK Arena in preparation for the 2019 Vulcan US National Indoor Pickleball Championships. Formal competition begins today and runs through Sunday with over 400 players from 25 states expected to compete.
The Sentinel-Record/Richard Rasmussen EXPERT LEVEL: Kate Tulley, left, and David Tappe, both of Hot Springs Village, take part in a warm-up pickleball match Thursday at Bank OZK Arena as part of the 2019 Vulcan US National Indoor Pickleball Championships, which runs through Sunday. The two are expert level players and together teach pickleball clinics with their company, Vulcan IQ Pickleball.
Local on 07/19/2019