He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
-- Micah 6:8, ESV
In our church, we do not mix politics into our religion. Our Sundays are devoted to the glory of God alone. Our regulative principles of worship guide us away from the secular and the divisive. With one voice and one heart we lift up the word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Of course, our members are human beings and for the most part, voters. I suspect we are a little more red than blue, like the rest of Arkansas, but the color of our sanctuary is purple. Actually, we did away with the purple carpet and pew cushions in our recent remodel, but the color still symbolizes our unity and harmony.
One thing we do on a regular basis is pray for whomever our sovereign God has set into political office, including the highest office in the land, the president of the United States. Whether he is Democrat or Republican, black or white, and when one day the he is finally a she, we do and we will pray for our president and for God to bless America.
My prayer for former and incoming President Donald Trump is Micah 6:8. I've seen him hold a Bible in his hand, I pray he would take this verse to heart. Since the election, he has claimed a mandate from the American people to do certain things as he leads our country in the next four years. What things? I pray for these things, Micah 6:8 things:
"Do justice." He has often claimed injustice has been inflicted upon him in the many court cases and state felony convictions hurled against him. Speculation is that he will retaliate against his enemies once he takes office again. I pray, however, he will never match injustice with further injustice. Ordinary justice will do nicely. In some cases, pardons may serve better than punishments. It will help our divided nation to heal, to draw together, instead of continuing to tear each other apart.
"Love kindness." The Hebrew word translated "kindness" is one of the most beautiful in the Bible, "chesed." It is alternatively translated "kindness," "loving-kindness," "love," "mercy," and, perhaps best, "grace." If the new President Trump would be a man of grace, to both sides of the aisle, to all races, colors, creeds, and persuasions, then they will give grace back. Leading with grace can lift up all parties and not pit one against another. We need God to shed more of His grace up America, and the President's actions and attitudes can go a long way to help.
"Walk humbly." Though he has come to fame and political success through boldness and bluster, President Trump's next four years will define his legacy. His most recent acceptance speech was a good start and a nice change of pace. It lacked the self-aggrandizement of his campaign. It credited others. It reached out to all of the American people. What a breath of fresh air! We can hope and pray it signals the beginning of a new and better Donald Trump. What he says and does in the next four years will affect the next four generations and more. Only the humble find favor with God.
Let's take the signs down. Let's lift up holy hands to God. Let's pray for our president and our other elected officials. Let the days ahead find all of us in a Micah 6:8 frame of mind. Let us all do justice, love grace, and walk humbly with our God and with one another. President Trump, we are praying for you to lead the way.
Chuck DeVane is the pastor of Lake Hamilton Baptist Church. Call him at 501-525-8339 or email [email protected].