I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.
-- Philippians 1:3
I thank my God for my wife, Andrea. When she came into my life, everything just got better. She's like an SEC football team; with her, it just means more. Our church improved, after struggling somewhat with a single pastor, which some found odd. Our family had more joy, with a mother figure we had long lacked. Our home became a refuge, an island of calm in the sea of this stormy world.
I thank my God for my four daughters, Christie, Ashley, Emily, and Courtney, who are as different as morning, noon, afternoon, and night. Two are blues, two are reds, two are Baptists, two are not, all beloved by their Father and father. I wouldn't have them any other way, except in our home and our church more often. The four grandchildren they have given us are bonus blessings.
I thank my God for our church, Lake Hamilton Baptist Church. In the last decade, we have grown considerably, yet at the same time we remain a small, close-knit, unified, loving family. I thank God for Elders who want nothing but God's will according to God's word, for Deacons who are servants instead of lords, and for members who take their worship and membership joyfully and seriously.
I thank my God for our town, Hot Springs. I came here reluctantly 12 years ago but now would not want to live anywhere else. We hike the mountain trails, cruise the lake every chance we get, and love the downtown restaurants and bars, responsibly, of course.
I thank my God for our country, the United States of America, even as polarized as it has become. I do dislike our political rancor, the massive deficit we are kicking toward our grandchildren, and the lack of respect for servicemen and policemen. But I've spent time in Russia, Eastern Europe, Mexico and South America. Believe me, we've got it much better. I think I'll stay.
I thank my God for our newspaper, The Sentinel-Record. They've published me weekly for a good while now, and print my columns virtually unedited. My late father was a newspaperman all of his life, so this work is sacred for me. Like the teaching profession, it requires keen intellect, long hours, and puts up with subpar pay. Press on.
I thank my God for the readers of this column. Many of you have contacted me with letters, emails, and an occasional phone call. I have enjoyed every one. You get the fact that I am opinionated but not partisan, often try to make you think, sometimes try to make you laugh, and always strive to help you love the Lord and one another a little more.
I thank my God for God, the one and only God, the great three in one. I am thankful to be chosen by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for His word, the Bible, and for His body and bride, the church. Imperfect as we are, we stand as the true witness for Christ until the Lord returns.
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you."
Chuck DeVane is the pastor of Lake Hamilton Baptist Church. Call him at 501-525-8339 or email [email protected].