WATCH | Off the court with Hot Springs’ Imria Lowery

Hot Springs World Class High School senior middle hitter Imria Lowery is pictured on the court at Trojan Arena. (The Sentinel-Record/Bryan Rice)
Hot Springs World Class High School senior middle hitter Imria Lowery is pictured on the court at Trojan Arena. (The Sentinel-Record/Bryan Rice)

Hot Springs senior Imria Lowery is a middle hitter for the Lady Trojans volleyball team.

Lady Trojans head coach Madisson Williams said Lowery is the heart and soul of the team.

"She is not only great physically on the court for us, but she is also somebody who brings positive energy to this team," Williams said. "Imria actually is going to graduate early and we are so blessed that she just decided to stay and play her senior year with us."

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Lowery recently met with The Sentinel-Record to provide a glimpse of what she is like off the court.

What do you like most about playing volleyball?

I like that it is an escape for me and it keeps me in shape.

What is your most memorable moment playing volleyball?

When we beat Lake Hamilton for our very first time. That is a very memorable one.

Why did you start playing volleyball?

I started playing in sixth grade and I have been playing ever since then.

What is your main strength in volleyball?

Keeping everyone out of their heads and keeping them positive.

Who is your all-time favorite athlete in any sport?

Stephen Curry

What do you like to do for fun?

I like to listen to music.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I am a morning person.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I think I am an extrovert.

If you could hang out with any famous person, past or present, for a day, who would that be?

Marilyn Monroe

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?


What is your favorite restaurant?

Texas Roadhouse

Is a hotdog a sandwich?

Yes, it is.

What one person is your biggest inspiration?

My mom

Other than your cell phone, what is one item you cannot live without?


What is the last television series that you binge-watched, or are currently watching?

I love Lifetime (network).

What is your all-time favorite movie?

"Bad Boys," the new one.

Who is your celebrity crush?

Michael B. Jordan

What is your go-to emoji?

Laughing emoji

What is your favorite color?


How would you spend a million dollars?

I would spend it paying off all of our bills for my mom to take weight off her and my dad's back. Then just spoil my family.

Name something about you that most people would be surprised to learn.

I like reading.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

I do not like liars.

If you could take three items with you on a desert island, what would you take?

Water, my dog, and an unlimited supply of food.

What is your favorite class in school?


What are your plans after graduation and what type of career do you plan to pursue?

I like volleyball, obviously, but if that does not work out, I plan to be a financial business person or something to do with architecture.

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