Additional charges filed against local parolee arrested last month
A local parolee with a lengthy criminal history who was arrested Oct. 29 on charges stemming from alleged vehicle break-ins was served with additional warrants…
A local parolee with a lengthy criminal history who was arrested Oct. 29 on charges stemming from alleged vehicle break-ins was served with additional warrants…
A first-degree battery charge filed against a local man in connection with the alleged Aug. 7 shooting and robbery of another man in the parking lot of a Hot S…
Three local men were arrested Tuesday morning after a Garland County sheriff's deputy responding to a theft in progress allegedly caught them in a vehicle pull…
A local man was arrested on felony warrants Tuesday stemming from allegations he illegally used his roommate's credit cards to make about $10,000 in purchases,…
A local parolee with a lengthy criminal history was arrested on felony warrants Monday for allegedly passing counterfeit $100 bills at two Hot Springs business…
Both state Rep. Richard McGrew, R-District 85, and state Rep. Les Warren, R-District 84, won their races by a substantial margin after unofficial results were …
A local man was arrested late Thursday after allegedly attacking his pregnant girlfriend during an argument with her and her ex-boyfriend.
HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE -- A Gurdon woman with a felony record who was a live-in caretaker for a Hot Springs Village couple until they fired her in August was arre…
A Royal man was arrested late Saturday after allegedly tackling and injuring a Hot Springs police officer who was trying to break up a fight between the man an…
A Little Rock man on parole from a previous attack on staff and damages at a local hospital in 2022 was arrested again after allegedly injuring a nurse and dam…
A Royal woman was arrested on multiple felony drug charges involving meth, cocaine and fentanyl after a Hot Springs police K-9 allegedly alerted on a vehicle s…
A local woman was arrested on felony charges Thursday stemming from allegations she struck another woman, 72, and later forced her way into the woman's home to…
A local man was sentenced to 110 years in prison Friday after pleading guilty to the fatal shooting of a 4-year-old girl last year on Carson Street, and to sho…
A local woman was arrested Wednesday morning on a felony warrant for the alleged battery of a 10-year-old girl in 2021 during what the girl described as "whoop…
A local woman was arrested Wednesday on felony warrants for the alleged theft of a hospital patient's wallet, cards and checks in March and the attempted cashi…
A local parolee with a lengthy criminal history was arrested in Little Rock Tuesday and extradited to Hot Springs on felony and misdemeanor warrants stemming f…
A reportedly homeless man was arrested on felony drug charges early Sunday after he was found sleeping on a bench in the Hot Springs Greenway Trail area after …
A Louisiana woman was arrested on a governor's warrant issued in Garland County stemming from allegations she forced her way into a Hot Springs Village woman's…
Facial recognition software helped Hot Springs police identify an alleged burglar who entered a woman's house last month, apparently ate ice cream, and attempt…
A probationer who was reportedly "staggering into traffic" while walking down the road Friday morning was arrested on felony and misdemeanor charges after drug…
A Benton man was arrested on felony and misdemeanor charges early Sunday after allegedly attacking his girlfriend and destroying her phone so she couldn't call…
A local woman was arrested on a felony charge late Saturday after allegedly trying to pay for gas with a fake $10 bill at an area gas station.
A reportedly homeless man was arrested late Friday on a felony battery charge after he allegedly "sucker punched" another man in the face over claims the man c…
A habitual offender with a history of attacks on law enforcement officers is set to be arraigned Tuesday on a felony battery charge stemming from an incident w…
A routine traffic stop early Wednesday resulted in the arrest of a passenger in the vehicle on felony charges after a small amount of drugs and paraphernalia w…
A traffic stop for a disabled brake light resulted in the arrest Wednesday afternoon of a local felon after a loaded gun and drugs were allegedly found in his …
A reportedly homeless man arrested Tuesday on warrants for allegedly burglarizing a house was identified as one of the workers for a contractor remodeling the …
A local man was arrested on felony assault charges Tuesday after allegedly making threats while armed with a gun to other patrons at an area gas station.
A local man was arrested early Wednesday after Hot Springs police responding to a burglary in progress allegedly caught him inside a residence armed with a kni…
A routine traffic stop resulted in the arrest Friday night of the driver on a felony charge after he was found to have an allegedly stolen gun in his possessio…
Event to close parts of Pleasant, Grove
A local felon with a lengthy criminal history was arrested Friday night after allegedly stealing a vehicle and then crashing it into a telephone pole while dri…
A local man was arrested Friday night for allegedly hitting his neighbor in the head multiple times with a wooden rod outside his residence.
A report of alleged threats by a known parolee to shoot someone led to a traffic stop Thursday night and the arrest of the suspect and a second man after a gun…
A Jessieville man was sentenced to two years in prison Wednesday after pleading guilty to burglarizing Walgreens, shoplifting over $1,000 worth of items from W…
A Hot Springs parolee with a lengthy criminal history was arrested on felony charges Wednesday after allegedly shooting out the windows of four occupied vehicl…
The Seventh Annual Spa City Rocktober Music Festival, set for Saturday, will once again be held at a new venue as organizers opted to bring it closer to downto…
A reportedly homeless man was arrested Tuesday after allegedly trying to pass a counterfeit $20 bill at a local grocery store and then fighting with Hot Spring…
A Hot Springs man was arrested late Sunday after allegedly threatening to burn down his grandmother's house and destroying several items of her property despit…
A Pearcy man was arrested early Tuesday after he was allegedly caught trying to break into a vehicle and reportedly found to have property taken from an Arkans…
A local man on probation from a previous arson conviction for setting fire to his neighbor's vehicle in 2021 was arrested Friday for allegedly burning down the…
A local probationer allegedly fled from a traffic stop by Hot Springs police Saturday morning resulting in a high-speed pursuit that ended on Mount Riante with…
A parolee was arrested Friday on a felony warrant for allegedly taking $1,700 from a woman to buy a car for her in August which she has never received.
A local man classified as a habitual offender was sentenced Wednesday to two years in prison after pleading guilty to a felony drug charge in Garland County Ci…
A Chicago woman was arrested on felony charges Wednesday at Lake Ouachita State Park when she returned to her campsite to retrieve belongings that allegedly in…
A local man was arrested Thursday on a felony battery charge after allegedly hitting his pregnant girlfriend during an argument at their residence.
A local woman was arrested early Thursday after she allegedly fired a gun into the ground and pointed it at a man during an altercation outside a residence on …
A local man was arrested early Wednesday after allegedly trying to break into McClard's Bar-B-Q Restaurant, only to be thwarted by an employee who was at the b…
A reportedly homeless man was arrested on felony and misdemeanor warrants Wednesday stemming from allegations he chased a woman last month while threatening to…
A Plainview man was charged with felony battery Tuesday after allegedly punching a Garland County sheriff's deputy who was trying to detain him following a dis…